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Thursday, March 19, 2015

Rectangle Tangles

Korora Class welcomed dads, grandads and family friends into school today to share some maths magic; a game of dodgeball and a tasty morning tea.

The first challenge was to find as many triangles as possible - they were hiding in other shapes. Then the Penguins impressed their guests with their knowledge of 2D shape properties, including parallel and perpendicular lines. The final task was to walk through a rectangle....

Our class could fit through an A3 rectangle!

At the end of the session, we predicted that we could make the whole primary school fit inside an A2 rectangle!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Paper caper!

Today we had Japanese visitors to our class when the students from Bontoku High School came to share their origami skills with us. The children enjoyed working and laughing together, making planes, cranes and flowers appear from squares of brightly coloured paper.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Total control

Years 4 - 6 have been enjoying computer programming with Ms. Sancto. They are working on procedures to move a robot along pathways and turn lights on. It is quite a challenge to spot repeating patterns and complete the tasks in a limited number of steps!

Take it away!

The Korora Class have been practising their subtraction skills.



Chinese Lanterns and dragons