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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Flower Power

We have been producing flowers in Art using a variety of media. Our water colour paintings and paper sculptures have been inspired by Georgia O'Keefe and Frida Kahlo.

We have been weaving flax flowers with Mrs. King.


Vitruvian students

My maths group have been busy measuring themselves this term. We discovered that Leonardo Da Vinci was a mathematician who was interested in shape and proportion. We used his Vitruvian Man as a starting point to find out how our limbs are related proportionally.

Teamwork - Ready, steady, lift...

Easy does it...


Run, penguins, run...

Our wonderful Korora class ran their fastest in the school cross-country event. All of them finished - they are such superstars!

Our Interschools Cross-Country Team

Each of our runners beat their previous placings - a superb achievement!