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Friday, May 17, 2019

Term 2: Weeks 1 - 3

Hi parents,


The students are relieved and proud that they have made it through the Cambridge assessments for Term 2!

The girls point out the finished list of assessments. Settle down please. 


We started the term learning some plays. It was a good chance to practice some peer assessment i.e. level of voice expression, volume, and body position.

Daniel demonstrates the amplification capability of a whiteboard pen. 

Emily tries to coach Alex and Yolanda. Good luck Emily.

Nancy demonstrates her best "you have got to be kidding me" face. 

Aliens attempting to mimic human greetings. 

Drama can sometimes just be P.E. with more facial expressions!


For Science we are continuing to explore sound. Below are some photos where we are testing how to change the pitch of a sound. 

Say it don't spray it, girls. 

Lauren perfects that art of the rubber band and cup. 

Alex looking like he might have swigged the contents of that energy drink before he used it. 

Luca performs Beethoven's Symphony Number 5 on the wine bottle. Well, the first note anyway.